
aRoboticsCompany takes a full-stack approach to R&D and manufacturing. We create reliable, user-friendly products that are only possible when every stage of development and fabrication occurs in house. From design to fabrication to testing, we handle most conceivable custom software and hardware needs. Our unique, comprehensive approach rapidly scales while remaining cost-effective for singular custom machines.

Our core design competency is lightweight, sensor-dense mobile machines up to 100 feet in length. Our user-friendly interfaces can operate under wired or wireless control schemes across a range of platforms as requested.


Our full machine shop includes CNC mills, lathes, laser tools, benders, multi-axis drills, saws, and 3-D printers. We possess superlative tooling and expertise. Our relationships with nearby engineering firms allow us to readily provide load ratings and test our systems.

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We stock a diverse and substantial range of electronic supplies. We can design and build custom circuitry as needed. Our team has overcome many electrical problems before, such as fluctuating electrical grid power to electromagnetic interference. We are excited to face new challenges.

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Our full stack programmers develop rapidly deployable user interfaces for our robots. We apply the latest methods in automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence while keeping our systems resilient and usable. Our products are of quality, performance, and usability that cannot be found elsewhere. And they are fully supported from New York.

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We will not show physical custom systems in use because most custom concept systems are exclusively licensed to that customer.

We are particularly excited by supposedly “unsolvable” problems. Please contact info@arobotics.co for a solution.

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